Karen Stansfield - Resonate
Monday, 22 July 2013
The Ensomatic drawing machine invented by Andrew A. Banks and given to me as a gift.
Etchings created by the Ensomatic drawing machine scribing onto copper and zinc plates, by Karen Stansfield.
Mixed media self portraits by Karen Stansfield
Textile Print collection exhibition `Collaborate' by Karen Stansfield.
The Ensomatic drawing machine and example created using biro pen onto paper, by Andy Banks.
These are examples of drawing created by the large scale kinetic drawing machines, pen onto paper, by Andy Banks.
Andrew A. Banks video showcasing his ingenious Kinetic drawing machines.
These are samples of 1000 line drawings created by Andy Banks during his exploration into Kinetic art.
Andy Banks - Artist, sculptor, inventor, musician - all round Polymath....and my dear friend.
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