Monday, 22 July 2013

The Ensomatic drawing machine invented by Andrew A. Banks and given to me as a gift.

Etchings created by the Ensomatic drawing machine scribing onto copper and zinc plates, by Karen Stansfield.


  1. I recall watching the scribing tool dance over the copper and zinc plates, I stood watching, mesmerised, the path it took was not continual or repetitive, this was curious indeed, further more it was the sound created whilst mark making which was very intriguing!

  2. Great blog! This is such an interesting way of making a print - the marks produced are intricate, often unexpected, sometimes jerky and off-kilter, but all made by one tool, one machine. It's such an interesting project and so good to see such lively new work evolving. Can't wait to see how it progresses and the resulting exhibitions.
